Every time I teach my two day state exam review cram course for the Florida real estate exam, I am amazed at how much these students that took their Florida real estate course on line don't know.
My most recent amazement was a student from a gypsy on line school that did not know he needed to apply for a Florida real estate license. He has been working on his real estate course for several months but no one told him to apply for a license until I told him today. I told him to go to the Department of Business and Professionial Regulation's website at www.myfloridalicense.com and apply for a Florida real estate license. This costs $105. He did not know that he could have done that months if he had known.
Do yourself a favor. Use a Florida real estate school with a brick and mortar building in Florida to get your Florida real estate license.
We did a survey of our real estate students. They all agree that the best real estate school in Florida is Climer School of Real Estate. www.climerrealestateschool.com
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