The Department of Business and Professional Regulation has released the pass rate statistics for April, 2013 for the Florida real estate exam. The news is bad.
One thousand,one hundred and forty six applicants took the Florida real estate exam for the first time in April. Three hundred and seven passed. Eight hundred and thirty nine were disappointed. That is a pass rate of twenty seven per cent. One thousand eight hundred and two applicants took the Florida real estate exam for the second or third or fourth time. Four hundred twenty eight passed. That is a dismal pass rate of twenty four per cent for the repeaters. Every one of these people paid thirty one dollars for the experience.
How can anyone think this Florida real estate exam is a picnic? How can anyone think you don't have to study? Take a hint from this article. You have to study. You have to study hard. More importantly, you have to study what is on the Florida real estate exam. You have to study the right stuff.
If you took your basic real estate class online from a real estate school that specializes in all fifty states, you better start looking for what is on the Florida real estate exam. A good place to start is to take my free practice exam on my website at . If you are taking the Florida real estate exam soon, do yourself a favor. Go take this free exam. Print the exam out. Sit down. Spend two hours answering the questions. Don't cheat. Don't go look the answers up in the book like you probably did with your on line real estate course test. Take this like a real test. Grade yourself. If you don't pass this test, you will not be passing the Florida real estate exam given by Pearson Vue. If you have already taken Pearson Vue's practice test at the test center at an expense of $31.50, then you fail my free practice test, know that you need to be studying., You need to be studying the stuff that is on the Florida test.
What should you be studying? Have you watched all nine of my free real estate math videos on You Tube? Here is a link to one of the nine videos. Our user name is Climer School. If you have not watched all nine of these real estate math videos, that is a good place to start studying for the Florida real estate exam. There is no math on the Florida real estate exam that is not on these videos. Spend some time watching these videos. Do the math with your calculator. You will not believe how many people fail the Florida real estate exam with a grade of 72,73,or 74 and they got six out of ten on the math. The math is important. It costs $31.50 every time you take the Florida real estate exam. It not only costs $31.50, you have to drive to the test site, park your car, remember to bring your certificate from your real estate school every time you take the test. Even if you are taking the test for the tenth time, you have to bring your certificate from the real estate school with you or they won't let you in. You have to find a babysitter, take time off your job. You want to pass this exam the next time you take it.
Do you have Linda Crawford's "Real Estate Exam Manual for Sales Associates and Brokers" ? This is the best study aid that you can lay your hands on. There is nothing on the Florida real estate exam that is not in this book. The better news is there is nothing in this book that is not on the Florida real exam. If you don't have this book, call Kathy at 407 822 3926 and get it. Quit studying what is on the California test. Study for the Florida exam.
We teach a two day review for the Florida real estate exam. The schedule is on our website at . Over half of our students in these classes did not take their basic class at Climer School of Real Estate. Many took their basic class at an online real estate school from another state. They ask me questions about the Torrens method. They ask me what an executor is. We don't have these things in Florida. You need to know what is on the Florida test. The best way to learn about Florida stuff is go to a Florida real estate school. If you can't attend our two day review, we have it on audio CD and video DVD. Ask Kathy for the details on that.
One hundred per cent of the non Climer School students that attend my review classes do not have the state of Florida's "Candidate Information Booklet For The Florida Sales Associates Examination". This booklet is published by the DBPR. It has a breakdown of what is on the Florida real estate exam. Why would anyone go take the exam without reading this booklet? If you don't have a copy of this valuable booklet, call Kathy at 407 822 3926. She will email you a free copy.
If you want to be in the 24% that pass the Florida real estate exam , study what is on the Florida real estate exam. Study Linda Crawford's exam manual. Watch Climer School's free real estate math videos. Take my free practice test on my website. Take the four hundred question practice tests in the back of Linda's exam manual. Attend my two day review. Read the candidate's booklet. Please do not underestimate this exam. It costs $31.50 every time you take the Florida real estate exam.
I was one of the 27% thanks to your class!