If you are like many of your peers whose Florida Real Estate Sales Associate or Broker License is expiring at midnight, Tuesday, September 30th, you have not taken your 14 hours of Continuing Education or even worse yet, you have not taken your mandatory 45 hours of Post Licensing Education and you are freaking out because you do not want to lose your license.
This is me, Andy Brown, telling you that you are not alone.
Right now, Click on this link and go to our Climer School of Real Estate Online Resources page, and enroll, right now, in either the , the Broker 60 Hour Post License Class, or the 14 Hour Continuing Education Class.
Just Do It! Do not procrastinate any more. Do Not take the Chance of losing your license and wasting all of that hard work, time, and money.
This may sound funny to you, but this is another reason why The Climer School of Real Estate is the Best Real Estate License School in Orlando, and Central Florida’s Best Real Estate License School. We care about you and your Florida Real Estate License and we are imploring you not to just let it go. Click on this link right now, go to our Online Course and save your license.
Next Year, take my live classes and make sure you tell all of your friends about my live Post 45 Sales Associate and Post 60 Broker classes. I humbly tell you that many of my google reviews from our students claim that Andy Brown is the best real estate instructor in Florida.
I will tell you straight. We have fun, we get things done, and we talk about information and subjects that are relevant to what you are doing and what you need to know. The ‘Live’ Class is much better and more fun than the Online Class.
Mr. or Mrs. Realtor, if by some chance you are reading this because maybe you read one of my previous posts, "If You Are Selling Real Estate to Make Money", and you Googled yourself and you didn't show up, you now know, in this day and age, you understand and realize this is a serious problem. This is a very serious problem if you are selling real estate to make money. If you are just selling real estate as a hobby or to make a little bit of extra spending money, don't worry about this stuff. However, If you see this as a problem, read on.
First of all - Start today. You need to open a You Tube account and start posting videos of yourself giving news, information, and advice that will help buyers and sellers. Make it real and make it useful and make it from the heart. It does not matter what you think of You Tube. You Tube is one of the biggest and most used search engines on the internet today. Open your You Tube account as soon as you can. It is free and it is easy.
I am going to writing and posting many more articles about what you can do today to help market yourself and get found on the internet. A video camera is nice, but you . don’t need it if you can’t afford it yet. Use your smart phone, stand in front of it and tell us your name and contact information. Just get some videos recorded and uploaded to your new You Tube channel. Just Get Started. Getting started and getting your first video uploaded is the most important thing.
Next, get a blog. Start a blog. If you don't think you need one, Google yourself again. It won't take long to figure out there is a problem. Start a blog today. Eblogger or Wordpress. They are free or cheap. Start today. I am going to be writing about blogging and sharing many blogging tips in the near future.
If you are a Realtor, you need a website. You need a website. The company website doesn't count. You need your website. A website is free or cheap. Check Go Daddy. You need a website.
If you are not on Facebook, Google plus, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, join all of these today. Create a profile on all of these sites. Be sure all of your contact info is on every profile. It is free.
The fifth thing you can do is start learning about search engine optimization and keywords. Get some books about SEO. Read articles on the internet about SEO. Keep reading and keep learning until you can Google yourself and you are on page one or you are number one.
If you are a new Realtor, attend my 45 hour post license class.
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