After we put up our free real estate exam math questions on You Tube, I put up a video of sample questions at If you are taking the Florida real estate exam soon, spend a few minutes watching this video.
We also have a one hundred sample question test on our website at . If you are taking the Florida real estate exam soon, go take my practice test. If you don't pass mine, you won't pass the Florida real estate exam. Mine is free. Pearson Vue charges $31.50 per try.
Avail yourself to these sample questions and practice tests. It is a perfect easy way to study for the state exam. Do not underestimate this very difficult exam. The pass rate last month was 49% for first time takers and 32% for repeaters.
Start with my video
Buy Linda Crawford's "Exam Manual" by calling Kathy at 407 822 3926
Watch all twelve of my free math videos on You Tube
Pass the Florida real estate exam
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