Graduates of a Florida university with a degree in real estate do not have to take the basic (FREC 1) course but they have to pass the Florida real estate exam to get a Florida real estate license.
If you need help passing your Florida real estate exam, check out our free real estate math videos that we have posted on You Tube to help you pass. There are twelve of these free videos on You Tube. The pass fail rate for the Florida real estate exam is fifty per cent for first time takers and thirty three per cent for repeat takers. This test is not easy. Take the effort to watch the videos if you are soon taking the Florida real estate exam.
We also have a free practice exam on our website at If you are soon to take the Florida real estate exam, practice on mine. Mine is free. Pearson Vue charges $31.50 every time you take the Florida real estate test. If you fail mine, you will probably fail the real one unless you study more. Do not underestimate this exam. If you need any additional
study aids, call Kathy at 407 822 3926
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