Thursday, August 16, 2012

Florida Real Estate Exam Video Review on DVD

     Whether you are taking your Florida real estate exam in Miami,  Ft. Lauderdale, Saint Petersburg, Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Naples, Gainesville, Sarasota, Pensacola, Tampa,
or Tallahassee, you need a good review before you take that not too easy test.  It cost $31.50 every time you take it. 

     One serious mistake that many people make is they underestimate the Florida real estate test.  If you would like to avoid that mistake, go to my website at and take my free practice test.  Do yourself a favor.  Go take this test like a test.  Sit down for two hours.  Take the test.  Grade the test.  If you make a 85 or better on this test, you are in good shape.  You are maybe ready for the Florida real estate exam.  If you make much less, you better be studying.  If you have done much research about the Florida real estate exam, you know that the pass rate for first time takers is fifty per cent.  The pass rate for retakers is thirty three per cent.  The Department of Business and Professional Regulation publishes this information every month. 

     Here is the problem.  If you took your pre license class on line from a out of state, one size fits all states school,  you have probably learned a lot of stuff that you don't need to know because it is not on the Florida exam.  Another problem is, if you took your class from a live instructor that was boring, you didn't listen in class. 

     What you need is my seven disc video Florida real estate exam review class.  We sell this for one hundred dollars.  I know what is on the Florida real estate exam.  I have been studying it and teaching it for thirty years.  Also, I know how to present it in a manner that you will remember when you get to Pearson Vue to take your  exam. If you have any doubt that this is true, go to You Tube and watch the free real estate math videos that I have there. If you plan or passing the Florida real estate exam, you need to know what  is on those nine videos. It cost $31.50 every time you take the Florida real estate exam, whether or not you pass or fail. 

     If we can help you pass the next time, call Kathy at 407 822 3926 or check our website at .

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