Do you need to increase your prospecting efforts? Do you need to pay attention to your pending deals to be certain that they get from contract to closing? Now is the time to adjust what you are doing if what you are doing needs adjusting.
At Climer School of Real Estate, I have students ask me how to get started selling real estate. Find a prospect. I call looking for prospects, prospecting. The new term for this is lead generation. How can you generate leads? How can you find prospects? You don't need to generate lead or find prospects if you don't have written down, committed to goals. Your subconscious mind knows this. Write down some goals. Write down one goal. Write down a money goal for this year.
My students ask me," What is a proper goal?". The answer to this is also simple.
Take you income last year and multiply it by 150% . In real estate, that is a perfect goal. I did not say write down a dream. Let's assume you made $30,000 last year. If you write down a goal to make $150,000 next year, that is just a dream. That is not a goal. I would bet that you do not accomplish that.
If you write down a goal to earn $30,000 x 150% = $45,000 , I would bet that you accomplish that. If you write down a goal to make $45,000 this year, that is a worthy goal. That is a goal that you can accomplish. That is a goal to which you can get committed. You can believe in this goal. You already know how to accomplish this goal.
All you have to do is figure out how you made $30,000 last year and increase your efforts by 150%.
Last January, you called one prospect. This year, you have to call 1.5 prospects per month. That is not a lot more effort. It is a little more effort. Last year, you posted twelve blogposts to your blog. This year you have to post eighteen. Last year, you worked four hours a day. This year, you will have to work six hours a day. Last year, you attended your networking club meeting thirty five times. This year, you will have to attend fifty two times. Last year, you held six open houses. This year, you will need to host nine open houses. Last year, you read one book about salesmanship. This year, you will need to read two books. Take all your productive activities and multiply them by 150%.
You know what you have to do. It is not difficult. It is not prohibitive. Get committed to your goals this year. Start now. Get focused.
If setting goals and accomplishing goals is foreign to you, attend Climer School of Real Estate's forty five hour post license class. We have one next month. Call Kathy at 407 822 3926 for details. Check your expiration date on your Florida real estate license.
The more you learn, the more you earn.
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