Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pareto's Principle, Make It Work for You

   Look around the real estate office you have chosen.  You will quickly notice that twenty per cent of the sales associates are earning eighty per cent of the money.  Look around your church.  You will see that eighty per cent of the members are doing twenty per cent of the work and twenty per cent of the members are doing eighty per cent of the work.  Check out your service club.  Check out your political committee or your local association of Realtors.  This is a law like gravity, or like Murphy's law. It even has a name.  It is called Pareto's Principle.  It was named after Wilfredo Pareto.  He died in 1923.
   Pareto observed that when people get together, the eighty twenty rule will apply.  What has this got to do with you and your real estate career?  You need to be certain that you are in the upper twenty per cent.
   How can you do that?
   Get a plan.  If you are going to be in that upper twenty per cent, you must have a plan.  If you need some advice  putting that plan together, ask someone that is already in the upper twenty per cent. 
   Take action.  Your plan has to include action.  Maybe your plan has cold calls in it.  Maybe your plan is to create the best web site the real estate industry has ever seen.  No matter what your plan is, it has action in it.  Take action.  If your plan is to call foreclosure victims, call one.  If your plan is to make your phone ring with customers, do whatever your plan calls for you to do. There is magic in action.
   Have a super expectant good attitude.  There is no doubt that attitude is super important.  Work on yours all the time.  A good attitude yields good results.  Hang around with people that have good attitudes(upper 20%) and avoid those negative Nellies.  Every real estate office has at least one and usually several. Stay away.  Work on your attitude by the books you read and the people with whom  you spend time. 
   Study successful people. Read their books.  Listen to their CD program.   Watch their webinar or video.  Go to their seminar. You can not over expose yourself to this kind of training.
   Here is a capital idea if you are new in real estate.  Attend my forty five hour post license course.  You have to take this course sometime before you renew your real estate license for the first time.  Why not come spend a week with me at Climer School of Real Estate in Orlando.  I will promise you a better attitude, some increased sales skills and a passel of networking contacts .  You will also earn a certificate that you need to renew your real estate license next year.  Call Kathy at 407 822 3926 or

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