Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Mistaken Florida Real Estate School Course.

     Do you realize that you have made a mistake?  You signed up for that bargain real estate license class from that real estate school in Timbuktu.  You are studying stuff that is not only boring, you are not sure it is even on the Florida real estate exam. 

     You have paid your tuition.  You need to pass the course to get your certificate from the online real estate school to get your certificate to get into the Florida real estate exam.  You also need to pass the Florida real estate exam.  The pass rate last month was 44% for first time test takers and 27% for retakers.  Here is the details on that if you want it.

      You need the right information to pass the Florida real estate exam.  You need to know what is on the Florida real estate exam.  Climer School of Real Estate 's online video state exam review can teach you what you need to know to pass the Florida real estate test.  We have this online video review cram course available at

     If you have taken a online real estate course that has not taught you what you need to know to pass  the Florida real estate exam, take my online video real estate review class.   If you want a free preview of this course.  go to You Tube and watch any and all of the free real estate math videos that I have on You Tube.  There are twelve free real estate math videos.  Our user name is Climer School. This will help you pass the Florida real estate exam and it will give you a preview of my cram course.

     If we can help you pass the Florida real estate exam, call us at 407 822 3926

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